The King of Fighters 2003 - Bad Ending final Boss.R2 - The King of Fighters 2003 (second half of theme).Revolutionary Etude - The King of Fighters 2003 (first half of theme).His command normals have the "A" initial, probably from his own name. His various specials and super moves all have a "G" initial beforehand this is short for "grosse", an alternate form of "groß", the German word for "great" or "grand". Unlike his father's moves, all of Adel's moves are written directly in German (examples being "G. It seems the mastery of his father skills is still a long way to go, considering his Desperation Moves (Genocide Cutter, Kaiser Wave) are his father's common special moves. On the other hand, his moves are significantly weaker in priority. Unlike his father, his moves are faster and is also easier to chain. His style is very similar to his father's.

Of course, Adelheid does not use it for evil ends like his father did. Public Relations - Adelheid can negotiate in a level of authority, much like how his father could.Management - Together with his sister, they manage and operate the Sky Noah.Negative Energy - Adelheid can create a powerful pillar of energy to crush enemies, like the Gigantic Pressure.Slashing aura - Adelheid can create a cutting aura around his legs.Slashing hands - Adelheid's hands can pierce an enemy.Energy Reflector - Adelheid can create a barrier that reflects projectiles.Energy Projectile - Adelheid can fire projectiles of energy from his hands and feet.Sense - Adelheid can sense chi energy of those nearby.Gather energy - Adelheid can channel energy from Gaia.He rarely has the evil ways of his father and has helped those Rugal has wronged on many occasions, particularly and most notably with Heidern. He also loves his sister, that upon realizing something is wrong with her, he cooperated with one of his father's victims, Heidern, to get to the bottom of the plans of Those From the Past, and at the then-strange behavior of his sister. Unlike his father, Rugal Bernstein, Adel is an honorable fighter, who exhibits good sportsmanship, as demonstrated when he is defeated in The King of Fighters 2003. When Rose is finally freed, he reassures his sister he would punish those responsible for her subjugation. The Console Edition of The King of Fighters XIII reveals more of Adelheid's cooperation with Heidern (in which he addresses him as "Colonel Heidern") as he tries to help the forces of good suppress the evil plans of Those from the Past. In his ending for the game, he seems to appear regretful for his actions and berates his sister for insulting his opponents. He peacefully chats with Heidern and explains that he is only following his father's legacy. His story in The King of Fighters XI implies that he faced the Ikari Warriors Team and was defeated by them. In The King of Fighters 2003, he would challenge fighters there at the behest of his sister. Adelheid and his sister Rose reside on an airship called "Sky Noah".